Any donations, no matter how small, will help Ealing Centre for Independent Living support disabled people and their unpaid carers. Your donation will make a huge difference, whatever you can give will help.
You can send donations:
Ealing Centre for Independent Living
1, Bayham Road,
West Ealing,
W13 0TQ
In addition, you can donate online via the link below:
Ealing ShopMobility relies on its own donations. Please contact the manager by telephone on 02085791724 or email to
Your donation will make a huge difference, whatever you can give will help and there are many ways to give and many areas your donation will reach.
If you wish to leave ECIL a legacy, please let us know and, most importantly, please ensure your family members and/ or dependants know your wishes. Please have a look at the link below for further information
Gift Aid increases the value of donations to Ealing Centre for Independent Living by allowing us to reclaim basic rate tax on your gift (the Gift Aid scheme is for gifts of money by individuals who pay UK tax). Click here to download our Gift Aid Declaration form