We use cookies and similar tools across our website to improve accessibility, track performance and enhance your user experience. This policy explains how we do that.
Cookies are small text files which a website may put on your computer or mobile device when you first visit a web site or web page. In their most basic form they can store data on your browser so that when you return, some of the settings (including the cookie setting itself) will be remembered. Some other analytical cookies store data about how you use the website, what type of device you are using and whether it is a computer or mobile device, so that we can use the information to implement features that may improve your experience on our website. The BBC have a detailed article that explains much more about cookies.
View the BBC article about cookies.We use two main types of cookies:
These cookies cannot be disabled
Cookie Name | ASP session ID |
Description | This cookie allows our web servers to respond to your actions on the website, like moving from page to page and checking forms are entered correctly. Without it the website wouldn't work. |
CookieID | cCookie |
Cookie Name | Cookie value |
Description | This cookie stores whether you have enabled cookies or not. |
CookieID | cCSS |
Cookie Name | Stylesheet ID |
Description | This cookie is used for accessibility purposes and simply holds the value of the type of style sheet chosen to view the website with. It is set when selecting whether to view text at the normal size or larger font size. |
You can choose whether to have these enabled or disabled.
Cookies are currently Enabled - Disable the cookies
CookieID | __utma |
Cookie Name | Google Analytics User ID |
Description | Allows us to use the Google Analytics reporting tool to count visits to the website and improve our website. More info found here. |
CookieID | __utmb |
Cookie Name | Google Analytics 30m Session |
Description | Allows us to use the Google Analytics reporting tool to count visits to the website and improve our website. More info found here. |
CookieID | __utm2 |
Cookie Name | Google Analytics Session |
Description | Allows us to use the Google Analytics reporting tool to count visits to the website and improve our website. More info found here. |
CookieID | __utmz |
Cookie Name | Google Analytics Source |
Description | Allows us to use the Google Analytics reporting tool to count visits to the website and improve our website. More info found here. |
You can actually control what cookies you allow using your own web browser. John Lewis have a very good article describing how you can access the cookie settings for a variety of browsers.
View the article about managing cookies in your browser.http://www.johnlewis.com/#manage